copy of Karen's doodles
have received many emails from loyal followers who have told me that people are sharing my images with each other. Some are purchasing them and others are receiving them as a Freebie and then sharing with friends or family to have a collection!
I am sending this Freebie as a reminder that it is NOT OK to share my images with your friends! I have the names, blogs and addresses of EVERYONE who has either purchased an image or received one as a freebie. That email proves that YOU are registered owner of that image. When you received the email, I included my Angel Policy which clearly says that these images are for your PERSONAL USE ONLY and not to be shared with anyone. You can print out a few copies so you can make cards with your children or grandchildren, that's OK. But anything else is illegal and unethical.
I am an artist and this is how I make my living! You are stealing money from me and other digi artists, when you share your images. It is also unfair to the many honest followers who DO purchase stamps from me. If this practice continues, I may be forced to stop selling my digi images rather than risk them being stolen.
Digi stamps are a new concept. I really think people who are doing this don't understand the damage they are doing to artists by digi sharing. I believe there is good in all people- so please- if you have either purchased an image from me or received a Freebie and shared it, call your friends immediately and tell them to either purchase the image or delete it, before Monday. YOU are responsible for your own image.
If you have received a shared image, purchase it NOW or delete it immediately. You must do this before Monday. People are purchasing images and I won't know the difference if you are a person who wants a new image or if you are "buying" your shared image. If you don't want to purchase your "shared" image then delete it and never use it again.
On Monday, I will begin the process of seeking out illegal images. If you are caught with one you won't be able to join in Challenges or purchase images from me in the future. Is it really worth it? I don't think so but it is up to you. Also on Monday, all of you followers who still want me to keep drawing Bigsby and Herbert, please email me at when you see a card posted with my image. I will check it against my list of Stamp Owners to see if it is from a registered owner.
With your help I hope we can bring an end to sharing digi images.
Thanks, Karen and Bigsby
----------------- PÅ DANSK ---------------------
have received many emails from loyal followers who have told me that people are sharing my images with each other. Some are purchasing them and others are receiving them as a Freebie and then sharing with friends or family to have a collection!
I am sending this Freebie as a reminder that it is NOT OK to share my images with your friends! I have the names, blogs and addresses of EVERYONE who has either purchased an image or received one as a freebie. That email proves that YOU are registered owner of that image. When you received the email, I included my Angel Policy which clearly says that these images are for your PERSONAL USE ONLY and not to be shared with anyone. You can print out a few copies so you can make cards with your children or grandchildren, that's OK. But anything else is illegal and unethical.
I am an artist and this is how I make my living! You are stealing money from me and other digi artists, when you share your images. It is also unfair to the many honest followers who DO purchase stamps from me. If this practice continues, I may be forced to stop selling my digi images rather than risk them being stolen.
Digi stamps are a new concept. I really think people who are doing this don't understand the damage they are doing to artists by digi sharing. I believe there is good in all people- so please- if you have either purchased an image from me or received a Freebie and shared it, call your friends immediately and tell them to either purchase the image or delete it, before Monday. YOU are responsible for your own image.
If you have received a shared image, purchase it NOW or delete it immediately. You must do this before Monday. People are purchasing images and I won't know the difference if you are a person who wants a new image or if you are "buying" your shared image. If you don't want to purchase your "shared" image then delete it and never use it again.
On Monday, I will begin the process of seeking out illegal images. If you are caught with one you won't be able to join in Challenges or purchase images from me in the future. Is it really worth it? I don't think so but it is up to you. Also on Monday, all of you followers who still want me to keep drawing Bigsby and Herbert, please email me at when you see a card posted with my image. I will check it against my list of Stamp Owners to see if it is from a registered owner.
With your help I hope we can bring an end to sharing digi images.
Thanks, Karen and Bigsby
----------------- PÅ DANSK ---------------------
Jeg har modtaget flere emails fra loyale følgere, som har fortalt mig at folk deler mine digi stempler. Nogen køber dem, og andre modtager dem som gratis, og så deler de dem med venner og familie, for på den måde at opbygge en stor samling !
Jeg sender jer dette gratis stempel ( downloades på karen's doodles) for at huske jer på at det IKKE er okay at dele mine digi stempler med dine venner. Jeg har navne, blogadresser og adresser på ALLE som har enten købt eller modtaget et af mine stempler gratis. Den email beviser at du er den rettige ejer af netop det stempel.
Når du har modtaget denne email er min Angel policy vedhæftet og den siger klart og tydeligt at stemplet kun er til PERSONLIGT brug, og ikke må deles med nogen. Du må printet et par stykker som du kan bruge sammen med dine børn eller børnebørn, det er helt iorden. ALT andet er ulovligt og uetisk.
Når du har modtaget denne email er min Angel policy vedhæftet og den siger klart og tydeligt at stemplet kun er til PERSONLIGT brug, og ikke må deles med nogen. Du må printet et par stykker som du kan bruge sammen med dine børn eller børnebørn, det er helt iorden. ALT andet er ulovligt og uetisk.
Jeg er kunstner og det er sådan jeg tjener til døfen. Du stjæler penge fra mig og andre digi kunstnere, når du deler mine stempler. Det er også unfair til de mange ærlige mennesker som køber mine stempler. Hvis det her fortsætter, så er jeg nød til at stoppe med at sælge mine stempler/billeder af frygt for at de bliver stjålet.
Digi stempler er et nyt koncept, og jeg tror virkelig at folk ikke forstår at den skade de gør ved de kunstnerer som de stjæler fra. Jeg tror på det gode i alle mennesker SÅ hvis du hvis du har købt eller modtaget et gratis stempel fra mig, og har delt det, så sig straks til dine venner at de enten selv skal købe det, eller slette det INDEN mandag d 1/2-2010. DU er ansvarlig for netop det stempel.
Hvis du har modtaget et stempel fra en ven, så køb det,eller slet det straks. Du skal gøre det inden mandag. Folk køber stempler og jeg vil ikke vide om du køber et nyt eller om du køber et delt stempel. Hvis du ikke vil købe stemplet SLET DET !!!
På mandag starter jeg med at lede efter stjålne stempler. Hvis du bliver fanget vil du ikke kunne deltage i nogen af vores mange udfordringer og konkurrencer. Og du vil heller ikke kunne købe flere stempler fra mig. Er det virkelig det værd ???
Jeg tror det ikke, men det er det er jo op til dig og din etik.
Fra mandag vil loyale følgere som vil have mig til at blive ved med at tegne Bigsby og Herbert, vær søde og email mig hvis du ser et kort på en blog, så vil jeg tjekke om det er et købt stempel. Jeg har en liste med ALLE som har købt og eller modtaget stempler fra mig.
Med din hjælp kan vi få det her til at stoppe !!!
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I appreciate you taking the time to tell me what you think.
Hugs Annita