søndag den 31. januar 2010
cards for Daan
OBS Danskere kan sende kortet til mig, og så sender jeg det videre. senest d. 15/2-2010
Dear blogfriends,
I know you all love to make cards so what's better than to do something we realy enjoy and make at the same time a little boy happy in the most difficult time of his young life? Daan is 4 jaar and has a brain tumor which is sadly enough incurable. More and more body functions fail such as his legs can't carry him anymore. At the moment he gets radiation because his parents and the doctors will make his life as easy as possible and ofcourse no one will loose hope! I think it is heartbreaking and I'm so sad that I can't do enything to help him! That's why I aks you girls to make him a funny card so he has something good to look forward to and I think it will help his parents and two (little) sisters as well. I also want to ask you to keep him in your prayers or send a little positive energy and thoughts to him, because you never know! Do you want to join in this small gesture, please send an e-mail to creatiefonline@upcmail.nl so I can send you the address you can send the card to. I like to thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Love, Renata
Ook in het Nederlands voor Marly en Nicole:
Lieve blogvriendinnen!
Ik weet dat jullie het heerlijk vinden om kaarten te maken en wat is er dan mooier om met iets wat we heel graag doen een kleine jongen blij te maken tijdens de meest moeilijke strijd van zijn jonge leventje. Daan is 4 jaar en heeft een hersentumor die tot groot verdriet niet meer te genezen is. Steeds meer functies vallen uit, zo willen zijn beentjes hem niet meer dragen. Hij ondergaat op het moment bestralingen want natuurlijk doen zijn ouders en de artsen er alles aan om het leven voor hem zo dragelijk mogelijk te houden en wat helemaal begrijpelijk is, niemand wil de hoop opgeven. Ik vind het hartverscheurend en ik vind het verschrikkelijk om te moeten toezien en niets te kunnen doen! Daarom wil ik jullie allemaal vragen om alsjeblieft een leuke kaart voor hem te maken zodat hij iets fijns heeft om naar uit te kijken!! Ik denk dat ook zijn ouders en twee (kleine) zusjes hier steun uit kunnen halen. Daarnaast zou ik het fijn vinden als jullie positieve energie en gedachten naar hem willen sturen of een gebed aan hem willen wijden, je weet tenslotte maar nooit! Wil je meewerken aan dit kleine gebaar, stuur dan een mailtje naar creatiefonline@upcmail.nl dan krijg je van mij het adres waar je de kaart naar toe kunt sturen. Ik dank jullie uit het diepst van mijn hart!!
Liefs, Renata
lørdag den 30. januar 2010
a new busy Beauty
supplies: bo bunny papers, queen&co felt ribbon, stampin up punch, imaginisece brads, mm stickers, copic markers, glossy accents, unknown flower.
I am entering this card in the foloowing challanges:
Little red wagon Hearts
Belli's challange Hearts
Lexi's Challange Valentines day
Truly Scrumptious Sketch
Stamp with Sarah Kay LOVE
have received many emails from loyal followers who have told me that people are sharing my images with each other. Some are purchasing them and others are receiving them as a Freebie and then sharing with friends or family to have a collection!
I am sending this Freebie as a reminder that it is NOT OK to share my images with your friends! I have the names, blogs and addresses of EVERYONE who has either purchased an image or received one as a freebie. That email proves that YOU are registered owner of that image. When you received the email, I included my Angel Policy which clearly says that these images are for your PERSONAL USE ONLY and not to be shared with anyone. You can print out a few copies so you can make cards with your children or grandchildren, that's OK. But anything else is illegal and unethical.
I am an artist and this is how I make my living! You are stealing money from me and other digi artists, when you share your images. It is also unfair to the many honest followers who DO purchase stamps from me. If this practice continues, I may be forced to stop selling my digi images rather than risk them being stolen.
Digi stamps are a new concept. I really think people who are doing this don't understand the damage they are doing to artists by digi sharing. I believe there is good in all people- so please- if you have either purchased an image from me or received a Freebie and shared it, call your friends immediately and tell them to either purchase the image or delete it, before Monday. YOU are responsible for your own image.
If you have received a shared image, purchase it NOW or delete it immediately. You must do this before Monday. People are purchasing images and I won't know the difference if you are a person who wants a new image or if you are "buying" your shared image. If you don't want to purchase your "shared" image then delete it and never use it again.
On Monday, I will begin the process of seeking out illegal images. If you are caught with one you won't be able to join in Challenges or purchase images from me in the future. Is it really worth it? I don't think so but it is up to you. Also on Monday, all of you followers who still want me to keep drawing Bigsby and Herbert, please email me at kdfollowers@gmail.com when you see a card posted with my image. I will check it against my list of Stamp Owners to see if it is from a registered owner.
With your help I hope we can bring an end to sharing digi images.
Thanks, Karen and Bigsby
----------------- PÅ DANSK ---------------------
Når du har modtaget denne email er min Angel policy vedhæftet og den siger klart og tydeligt at stemplet kun er til PERSONLIGT brug, og ikke må deles med nogen. Du må printet et par stykker som du kan bruge sammen med dine børn eller børnebørn, det er helt iorden. ALT andet er ulovligt og uetisk.
torsdag den 28. januar 2010
More doodles
I had this image for quite a while, also a while ago I colored her, but it wasn't until today she made it to a card.
supplies: Basic grey pp, Bazix cardstock, unknown rihnstones, unknown flowers. Cuttlebug embossing folder Karen's doodles digi stamp.
I am entering this card in the following challanges:
your next stamp Anything that sparkles
Crafty Ann's Challange embossing
Unscripted Sketch
fredag den 22. januar 2010
anyone for a cuppa Joe ?
One thing is for sure that super talented Karen did a great job drawing these little guys :-)
unknown cardstock supplies: Basic grey pp, Unknown ribbon, Doodlebug half beads, Hero arts sentiments stamp, Karen's doodles Image, Copic markers.
I am entering this card in the following challanges:
Pile it on 3 ribbon
unscribted Sketches Sketch
onsdag den 20. januar 2010
WOW check this out !!
Check out what the fabulous Karen has to share today :
****copied off Karen's doodles ****
400 Follower Freebie?

Do you believe it? In only 2 months we have grown to 400 followers. This is truly incredible and I want to thank all of you! How? With a 400 follower freebie of course! But, this will not be like other freebies I have done before where I have posted an image for you. This time YOU get to PICK your OWN Image! That's right! Here are the details of how you can receive a FREE image of your choice!
1. You are a follower already
2. Become a follower before February 1st, 2010
3. Stay a follower :-) Sorry - you can't become a follower one day, receive a free image and then stop following. This free gift is for loyal followers only :-)
4. Put one of my Blinkies on your blog with a link back to Karen's Doodles (I do hope you like my images enough to keep the blinkie on your blog)
After you have completed all of these, email me at kdfollowers@gmail.com with your blog address, your follower name, and your requested image. This free offer is valid for ANY image from my site that I have posted or will post up until February 1st, 2010, except for Nutsy Fun.
****Please read my Angel Policy before requesting this free image****
If I were you I would HURRY on over and start following the doodle Queen herself, I know once you're there you're HOOKED.... I admit it I stalk her site, but she knows is so it's not really stalking is it ? LOL
tirsdag den 19. januar 2010
pony love
So of course this adorable image called Pony Love by the über talented Karen's Doodles was posted I couldn't stop myself ! HAD TO HAVE IT :-)
supplies: Kaiser Kraft pp, October afternoon, fabric, unknown "love"brad, copic markers, Cricut cardstock paper. karen Foster mini brads.
I am entering this card in the following challanges:
Inspire me #5 One mans trash - found the fabric strip in the trash can
Incy Wincy designs Color me wonderful
Crafty Creations Textures
Little red Wagon Polka dots
Charisma Cardz Anything New
CupCake Crafts Gone Girly
Quixotic Paperie Sketch
Sew Many challanges Anything goes
Hand full of stamps Polka dots
Creative Inspirations New Product/New stamp
2 Red Bananas Round
Paper Cutz Summer
Scrap, stamp & doodle Girly
I am a Doodle Princess

mandag den 11. januar 2010
Happy 2010
supplies: Basic grey papers, unknown cardstock, martha stewart Punch, unknown twine, Foofala button unknown grosgrain, marvy uschida snow marker, copic markers, Ranger stickles glitter.
I am entering this card int he following challanges.
Pile it on Welcome 2010
Mercy's Sketch Sketch
Belli's Challange Rihnstones/glitter
ABC Challange Layers
Papertake Weekly New Beginnings
Fussy and Fancy challange NEW
Cute Card Thursday All New
Cratfy Anni's Challange New Year, New inspiration
Stamping for the weekend New Beginnings
and we have a winner...
Please send me an email najp@email.dk so I can get your prize off to you.
Thank you everyone for dropping by and thank you so much for all the sweet comments, always makes me happy to read your comments.
A huge Thank you to Carolyn and Thomas, the amazing artists behind Busy Beauties boutique stamp.
lørdag den 9. januar 2010
check this out

torsdag den 7. januar 2010
Busy beauties boutique January Release blog hop
Here is a couple of cards that I made using the new images.
using Cuppa Love
supplies:Basic grey pp, unknown cardstock, american craft ribbon, glossy accents copic markers, spica markers.
using the Sweet as Pie
supplies: Basic grey pp, American crafts rubons and ribbon, unknown cardstock, Ranger glitter, Copic Markers.
Now to the blog hopping go visit all these wonderful girls and see their amazing creations. Make sure you leave a comment and tell them what wonderful work they are doing. There are prizes :-) There will be one grand prize winner of each blog. The Winner will get to choose 3 digi's of her own choice. An added prize will be givin to one person who leaves a comment on each blog, that person will be able to EITHER choose five images from the store OR join us in our Febuary New release Blog Hop- that means you'll get the ENTIRE collection for that release !
You have until Saturday to leave a comment by then I will choose winner !
ME !!
onsdag den 6. januar 2010
crafty creations challange
the challange is Black and white and a splash of color.
I know that this wonderful Cotillion beauty she is part of the new release at Busy Beauties Boutique
supplies: Dove pp, bazzil papers, crispy ribbon, stof og stil grosgrain, copic markers, Spica pens, Sakura glaze star dust, glossy accents.
søndag den 3. januar 2010
Made this little baby the other day
when I saw this image from Karen's Doodles I had to have it right away she is THE cutest thing ever !!
Supplies: BoBunny paper,Bazzil cardstock American crafts ribbon, prima bling,
Wild orchids flowers, Martha Stewart punch. Copic Markers